PG TRB, Unit IX, Slip Test 5


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  1. Dialect is ‘a variety of a language distinguished according to user’. What is ‘a variety of language distinguished according to use’ called? (PG – 2015)

A. Idiolect            

B. Register                       

C. Tone                            

D. Pitch

  • Segmentation of a sentence until the smallest units, morphemes are reached is ________ (PG – 2015)

A. Phrase Structure          

B. TG Grammar   

C. IC Analysis                  

D. Latinate fallacy

  • One of the most significant developments in linguistics took place with the publication of Chomsky’s book in 1957 named ‘Syntactic Structures’. It was the inauguration of _______ (POLY – 2017)

A. Transformative Generative Linguistics          

B. Stratificational Linguistics

C. Neo-Firthian Linguistics                                 

D. Tagmemics 

  • _________ is the study how context affects the meaning. (Engg – 2016)

A. Syntax                         

B. Semantics                    

C. Pragmatics                   

D. Discourse

  • The sets of syntagms characterized as languages by generative grammars are what logicians call _____________ (PG – 2019)

A. formal language

B. informal language

C. phrase – structure grammars

D. transformational grammar

  • When the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, the relationship is described as __________ (PG – 2019)

A. hyponymy

B. polysemy

C. word play

D. homophones

  • Looking quickly over a text to form a general opinion of the content is__________ (PG – 2019)

A. Scanning

B. Skimming

C. Skipping

D. Easy reading

  • The language that is spoken in a particular group of people is called _______

A. Idiolect            

B. Dialectology    

C. Dialect                         

D. Chronolect

  • ______ is a language used to describe another language.

A. Regiolect                     

B. Vernacular       

C. Sign Language            

D. Metalanguage

  1. The format in which words and phrases are arranged to create sentences is called _______

A. Lexicography              

B. Pragmatics       

C. Syntax                         

D. Semantics

  1. A register typical for an occupation is called __________

A. Sociolect                     

B. Jargon              

C. Slang                           

D. Dialect

  1. A language that is adopted as a common language among speakers whose native languages are different is known as _______

A. Regiolect                     

B. Register                       

C. Lingua Franca             

D. Creole

  1. The study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history is called _________

A. Semasiology                

B. Etymology                   

C. Diachronic Change     

D. Synchronic Change

  1. Which among the following statements is not correct about ‘Creole’?

A. It a type of natural language that developed historically from a Lingua Franca

B. It is a mixture of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place

C. It is acquired by children as their native language

D. The process of turning a pidgin into a creole is called ​‘Creolization’

  1. What is the study of language as it pertains to social classes, ethnic groups and genders?

A. Descriptive Linguistics                                   

B. Sociolinguistics

C. Synchronic Linguistics                        

D. Statistical Linguistics

  1. Words pronounced differently but spelt identically are termed as ___________

A. Homophones               

B. Homography   

C. Hyponyms                               

D. Holonymy

  1. Who distinguished between the notions of langue and parole in his formulation of structural linguistics?

A. Bloomfield                  

B. Daniel Jones    

C. Noam Chomsky                      

D. Ferdinand de Saussure

  1. An approach that considers the development and evolution of a language in a particular period is ___

A. Synchronic                  

B. Diachronic       

C. Linguistics                               

D. Philology

  1. Phrase structure rules and the tree structures that are associated with them are a form of ________

A. Linguistics analysis                                         

B. Immediate Constituent analysis

C. word formation analysis                                  

D. grammatical analysis

  • __________ is the study of signs and sign processes.

A. Syntax                         

B. Semiotics                     

C. Semasiology                

D. Semantics

  • Who is called as ‘The father of American Modern Linguistics’?

A. Ferdinand De Saussure                                   

B. Bloomfield

C. Charles Hockett                                              

D. Zelling Harris

  • Phrase structure rules as they are commonly employed result in a view of sentence structure that is _____________ based. 1. constituency 2. dependency 3. prescriptive 4. transformation

A. 1, 4

B. 1, 2

C. 1

D. 3, 4

  • ___________ is the features of a literary text at the levels of phonology, syntax, lexis and rhetoric.

A. Literary stylistics         

B. Dialectology    

C. Lexicology                              

D. Philology

  • The word ‘Dialect’ comes from ___________ language.

A. Latin                            

B. Greek               

C. French                         

D. Celtic

  • Phrase structure grammar is a type of generative grammar in which constituent structures are represented by ___________

A. rewrite rules                

B. prescriptive rules         

C. abstract rules               

D. linguistic rules

  • Noam Chomsky called the basic sentence as __________

A. Surface structure         

B. Phrase structure           

C. Kernel sentence                       

D. Root words

  • ________ represents the system of language having signs, rules, and patterns devised by a particular social group for communication.

A. Langue            

B. Parole              

C. Syntagmatic                

D. Paradigmatic

  • Semiotics originated mainly in the works of two theorists. They are:(a) Charles Sanders Peirce (b) Mikhail Bakhtin (c) Ferdinand de Saussure (d) Valentin Voloshinov. The right combination according to the code is __________ (NET – 2018)

A. (a) and (b)

B. (b) and (c)

C. (a) and (c)

D. (c) and (d)

  • An extremely simplified form of a language used as a contact language among speakers of different languages is a _________

A. dialect

B. creole

C. pidgin

D. register

  • ‘Collocations’ refer to __________

A. the combination of words in a phrase

B. the act of positioning words

C. grouping of words in a sentence

D. combination of natural words

  • Who among the following is not an ‘American Structuralist’?

A. Franz Boas                                                      

B. Edward Sapir   

C. Leonard Bloomfield                                        

D. Ferdinand de Saussure

  • Diachrony and Synchrony were introduced by __________

A. Bloomfield                                                      

B. Ferdinand De Saussure

C. Denial Jones                                                    

D. Noam Chomsky 

  • Match the following:

      1. Syntagmatic                  –  i. utterance of the language

      2. Paradigmatic                 –  ii. structured language        

      3. Langue                          –  iii. relationship among linguistic units that used sequentially

      4. Parole                            –  iv. relationship between signifier and signified

      5. Sign                               – v. relationship that holds between elements of the same category

      (A) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-v, 5-iii                                              

      (B) 1-iv, 2-v, 3-i, 4-ii, 5-iii

      (C) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-v, 5-iv                                               

      (D) 1-iii, 2-v, 3-ii, 4-i, 5-iv

  • What is synchronic approach?

A. study of the development of the language in a particular time

B. study of a language over period of time

C. the part of a language or grammar work together

D. a set of linguistic items that can replace each other in a particular context

A. sign                              

B. symbol             

C. significant                                

D. signifie

  • The speech sounds or alphabets are arranged in a certain way is known as _______

A. Substance                    

B. Form                

C. Structure                      

D. System

  • ___________ is group of words that function as a unit and can make up larger grammatical units.

A. Simple sentence                                              

B. Compound Sentence

C. Complex Sentence                                          

D. Constituent 

  • Structural linguistics divided a sentence into _________

A. Simple sentence                                              

B. Compound words

C. Immediate Constituents                                  

D. Words

  • The term ‘Phrase Structure Grammar’ was originally introduced by _______

A. Ferdinand de Saussure                        

B. Bloomfield

C. Noam Chomsky                                              

D. Edward Sapir

  • The term ‘Immediate Constituent’ was introduced by Bloomfield in 1933 in his work ________

A. Language                                                        

B. Introduction to the Study of Language

C. Philosophy of Science                                     

D. Linguistic Aspects of Science

  • Transformational Generative Grammar rules are __________ (1) prescriptive rules (2) descriptive rules (3) rewrite rules     (4) traditional rules

A. 1, 4

B. 1, 2

C. 2, 3

D. 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Match the following:

      1. Ferdinand de Saussure              –  i. Linguistic relativity

      2. Noam Chomsky                        –  ii. IC Analysis         

      3. Edward Sapir                            –  iii. Competence and Performance

      4. Leonard Bloomfield                  – iv. Linguistic Signs

      5. Roman Jakobson                       – v. Distinctive features

      A. 1-iv, 2-v, 3-ii, 4-iii, 5-i                        

      B. 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-v, 4-ii, 5-i

      C. 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iv, 5-v                        

      D. 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-ii, 5-v

  • Who is a major figure in analytic philosophy and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science?

A. Saussure                      

B. Zelling Harris  

C. Bloomfield                  

D. Noam Chomsky

  • Which of the following concepts is not introduced by Noam Chomsky?

A. Competence                                                    

B. Systemic functional linguistics            

C. Transformative Generative Grammar

D. Universal Grammar

  • Which of the following is correct about ‘Deep Structure’?

A. Containing all information that needs to make any sentence

B. Radical new thinking in terms of added meaning to sentence structure

C. Writing that goes beyond simple structure and develops further into deep structure

D. Sentence structure that involves deep thought

  • What is Language Acquisition Device (LAD)?

A. A part of the brain that encodes the major principles of a language into the child’s brain

B. Set of structural characteristics shared by all languages

C. Children invent rules of a grammar themselves

D. A device used in language lab to facilitate language learning

  • The term ‘Linguistics’ comes from the _________ word “Lingua” which means “Tongue”.

A. Greek                          

B. Latin                

C. Spanish            

D. Gothic

  • Match the following:

      1. Phoneme                       –  i.  Fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language

      2. Morpheme                     –  ii. Smallest unit in a writing system           

      3. Lexeme                         –  iii. A unit of grammar

      4. Grapheme                      –  iv. Smallest unit of sound

      5. Grammeme                    –  v. Smallest unit of meaning

      A. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-v, 5-iii                                                

      B. 1-iv, 2-v, 3-i, 4-ii, 5-iii

      C. 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-v, 5-iv                                    

      D. 1-iii, 2-v, 3-ii, 4-i, 5-iv

  • Who is often regarded as the founder of the study of sociolinguistics?

A. Thomas Callan Hodson          

B. Harry Whitaker

C. Noam Chomsky          

D. William Labov

  • Which of the following is not related to historical linguistics?

A. Philology                                             

B. Comparative linguistics

C. Diachronic linguistics                                      

D. Synchronic linguistics

  • Which part of the brain is responsible for speech production?

A. Wernicke’s area                                               

B. Broca’s area     

C. Arcuate fasciculus                                           

D. Motor cortex

  • Which is the branch of linguistics that deals with the encoding of the language faculty in human beings?

A. Clinical Linguistics                                         

B. Biological Linguistics

C. Ethno linguistics                                              

D. Neurolinguistics

  • Onomasiology is the study of ____________

A. the theory and practice of writing dictionary

B. the study of words and expressions having similar concepts

C. the study of the meanings of words and phrases in language

D. the study of the formation of words

  • Noam Chomsky’s ‘Language and Mind’ was published in _________

A. 1964

B. 1965

C. 1968

D. 1975

  • Which of the following examples are correct except?

A. Appletree is a holonym of apple                     

B. Stationery is a hyponym of pencil

C. Engine is a meronym of car    

D. Tree is a hypernym of fruit

  • ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’. This is an example of _________

A. Paronym

B. Polysemy

C. Oronyms

D. Metonymy

  • The term ‘Pragmatics’ was coined by the philosopher __________

A. C.W. Morris                

B. Bloomfield                  

C. Roman Jakobson                     

D. Michel Bréal

  • Match the following:

      1. Diction                          –  i.  Study of meanings in context

      2. Pragmatics                     –  ii. Choice of words

      3. Graphics                        –  iii. Study of the devices in languages

      4. Semantics                      –  iv. Study of spelling

      5. Stylistics                        –  v. Study of meanings

      (A) 1-ii, 2-i, 3-iv, 4-v, 5-iii                                               (B) 1-iv, 2-v, 3-i, 4-ii, 5-iii

      (C) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-v, 5-iv                                                (D) 1-iii, 2-v, 3-ii, 4-i, 5-iv

  • _____________ is a group of people speaking a common dialect.

A. Speech community                                          

B. Literal community

C. Linguistic society                                            

D. Language Association 

  • ____________ is the distinct form of a language spoken in a certain geographical area.

A. Idiolect            

B. Ethnolect                     

C. Regional Dialect         

D. Social Dialect

  • Which of the following is a correct definition about register?

A. The way in which a language registers in the minds of its users

B. A regional variation of a language used by a particular individual

C. It is a language used in informal situations by professionals

D. A variety of language used in social situations or a particular context

  • ________ is a geographical boundary line marking the area in which a distinctive linguistic feature commonly occurs.

A. Cultural boundary       

B. Isogloss           

C. Social boundary          

D. Regiolect

  • ________ is an individual’s distinctive and unique use of language.

A. Dialect                         

B. Idioglossia                   

C. Ideolect           

D. Sociolect

  • Dialectology is the subfield of ___________

A. Appiled linguistics                                          

B. Clinical linguistics       

C. Sociolinguistics                                               

D. Historical linguistics

  • __________ refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension and academic progress during a course of study.

A. Formative assessment

B. Summative assessment

C. Brainstorming

D. Achievement Test

  • ‘IELTS’ stands for ______

A. Indian English Language Testing System

B. International English Linguistic Testing System

C. International English Language Test System

D. International English Language Testing System


  • A language or a dialect that is considered to have greater social value than others:

A. Language Ideology                                         

B. Prestige

C. Speech community                                          

D. Accent

  • The art of writing words with the proper letters, according to accepted usage is __________

A. Orthography

B. Lexicography

C. Graphology

D. Cohesion

  • __________ describes individual word with multiple and distinct senses.

A. Polysemy

B. Holonomy

C. Homonymy

D. Synonymy

  • Which of the following is not correct about pragmatics?

A. context of the utterance                      

B. any pre-existing knowledge

C. inferred intent of the speaker                          

D. structure of a sentence

  • Which is concerned with the analysis of word meanings and relations between them?

A. logical semantics                                             

B. lexical semantics

C. Conceptual Semantics                         

D. Computational Semantics

  • __________ is the speech disorder that is the production of an unintended sound within a word.

A. Dementia                                             

B. Dyslexia

C. Conduction aphasia                                         

D. Paraphasia

  • The term ‘Psycholinguistics’ was coined by Jacob Robert Kantor in his book __________

A. Problems in Neurolinguistics

B. Brain and Language

C. An Objective Psychology of Grammar

D. Sociolinguistics in India

  • Which of the following is not an element of non-verbal communication?

A. Facial expressions

B. Voice Modulation

C. Eye contact

D. Name of the speaker

  • ________ is the process how an audience is able to understand and interpret the message.

A. Encoding

B. Channel

C. Receiver

D. Decoding

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